
See yourself in MedComms?

Do you have your eye on a career in medical writing?

Apply to join Aspirations and get paid to see if Aspire Scientific is a good fit for you.

Aspirations is the only scheme of its kind, providing an opportunity to learn from our experienced team and work on real-life projects.

  • Paid, self-employed (freelance) medical writing experience (£25/hour, to a fixed maximum per project)
  • Work remotely, from wherever you are in the UK
  • Flexible alongside your existing commitments
  • Receive guidance from experienced professionals in the Aspire Scientific Aspirations team

Find out More

Hear directly from a previous Aspirations participant about their journey through the Aspirations scheme, and how they joined the Aspire team.

Aspirations case study

Many Aspirations alumni have gone on to join Aspire Scientific, each starting as a Medical Writer. 

Several alumni have been key members of the team for years and have all since progressed to senior roles.

Are you eligible for Aspirations?

Suitably qualified life scientists (e.g. post-graduate, late-stage PhD, post-doctoral)

UK-based (location can be anywhere in the UK)

Looking to ultimately enter MedComms as a medical writer within the next 3–12 months

How to apply

  • Send us: 
    • An email explaining why you are:
      • Excited about MedComms
      • Interested in Aspirations.
    • Confirmation of your interest in ultimately joining MedComms as a medical writer within the next 3–12 months
    • Your CV
    • A 250-word summary of a single current / recent research project that you have worked on, or another recent project if you are not currently in research. This should:
      • Be aimed at a scientifically or medically trained audience who are not specialists in your field
      • Include a clear ‘take-home message’ explaining the impact of the work
      • Showcase your writing skills
      • Be your own, independent work.

The application process

  • We will confirm receipt of your application, then you will usually hear whether you have been successful within 2 weeks.
  • We will ask for references and confirmation that you are able to take part in the scheme. We will also send you an agreement to sign.
  • We will welcome you onboard with a call.
  • A 3-month freelancer agreement is offered in the first instance. Scheme participants are offered at least one medical writing project during their 3-month agreement period.*
  • Aspire Scientific welcomes applications to Aspirations from people of all backgrounds who match our application criteria. Aspire Scientific encourages requests for reasonable adjustments from candidates with disabilities, within the framework of the scheme, in which participants work on a freelance, self-employed basis. If you would like to discuss this further or make an adjustment request, please email

* Agreement includes clauses related to confidentiality, information security, and conflicts of interest, among others. Three-month agreement initially. The freelance nature of the scheme means that we cannot guarantee the number of hours we can offer, or that further projects or agreement extensions will be offered.  Upon joining the scheme, participants are contacted when a relevant project arises, to ascertain their availability.

Applications are open now. 
For more information, or to submit your CV and summary, 

Meet the Aspirations Team!